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Home / Stained Glass (JT) / JT Stained Glass Box - yellow triangles

JT Stained Glass Box - yellow triangles

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Stained Glass box measures 4" x 6" x 1.5"



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Translucent golden yellow textured stained glass and three triangle clear glass bevels from the lid of this stained glass box. A great gift for anyone who could use a splash of yellow sunshine in their life!

The sides of the box are clear glass bevels. The base of the box is mirror which catches and reflects light through the lid. The measures 4" x 6" x 1.5".

Created using the copper foil method of stained glass, this box has a hidden hinge and a chain holding the lid from flipping backwards. The solder is polished to its natural silverish finish. Rubber bump-ons are adhered to the base of the box to prevent it from sliding or scratching your furniture.